HOWIE CARR: Biden voters — are you tired of losing yet?

Hey, Joe Biden voters, are you happy now?

Your boy Dementia Joe owns it all now — the catastrophe in Kabul, open borders, rampant inflation, skyrocketing urban crime, the destruction of American energy independence, endless nonsensical lockdowns over a mild virus that is killing almost no one, not to mention so many public misstatements by the doddering old clown that his own cabinet secretaries have to correct his insane lies even before he shuffles off to Marine One for the flight back to his weekend assisted-living facility in Delaware.

But no more mean tweets, right? And that’s all that matters, isn’t it?

Orange Man Bad used to ask, “Are you tired of winning yet?”

Dementia Joe, if he could still speak in coherent sentences, might sputter, “Are you tired of losing yet?”

After he was installed as president, Dementia Joe’s caregivers said of their Deep State foreign policy: America is Back. Surely they meant to say, “America is on its Back.”

Or maybe, America is Back on its Back, because this is a greater calamity than Barack Obama leading from behind — way behind. This is Jimmy Carter’s presidency on steroids, only worse, because at least Carter was trying, however ineptly, to do the right thing.

Dementia Joe, not so much.

Carter and Obama must be thrilled that Joe is lifting their reputations up a few notches by setting the bar so low.