CHEF ANDREW GRUEL SURVIVED COVID-19 AND GAVIN NEWSOM: “In the very beginning, when the government offered it, I think it was $600 on top of what the state was offering for unemployment. Here in California, it was about $1,100 a week. Initially we did lay everybody off, because we didn’t know what was going to happen. As we started helping out with the community and building some business, our business came back, and we needed those employees back. So we started reaching out to everybody. A lot of people were like, ‘Look, I’m making $1,100 right now not working. I’ve got books I want to read. I’ve got classes I want to take online.’ If I was 19 years old and I could make $1,500 as a server working 50 hours a week, or I could make $1,100 sitting at home, reading books, learning an instrument, heck, I would do it too.”