PJ MEDIA VIP ROUNDUP: Don’t forget that VODKAPUNDIT promo code if you’ve been thinking of joining us.
Matt Margolis: A Group of Parents Sent Their Kids’ Masks to a Lab. What They Discovered Will Horrify You. “Let’s focus on the fact that even if masks have any value at all when it comes to protecting kids from COVID, they’re likely making your kids sick anyway.”
Tyler O’Neil: Cable Networks Bury Dems’ Election Power Grab While Hyperventilating About Election Integrity Laws. “Not once did the networks scold Democrats like Joe Biden for inflammatory rhetoric condemning GOP state election laws as ‘Jim Crow on steroids.’ Instead, the networks occasionally repeated the heated rhetoric.”
Yours Truly: Joe Biden Purposely Fritters Away Any Chance for Peace in the Middle East. “The message from the White House is clear: Any further peace process will have to go through the intransigent Palestinian leadership — and therefore there will be no peace.”