ROGER SIMON: Yale Is Dead—and That’s a Good Thing.

I, frankly, had enough at the top. I was more concerned with what had happened to Yale, an institution I attended in the sixties as a playwriting student in the drama school.

In those days we had the likes of Marc Chagall as speaker (exceptional, I admit) who spoke of the necessity of love in the creation of his art. Now the “learning objective” on the poster advertising Dr. Khilanani’s talk is to “understand how white people are psychologically dependent on black rage.”

On that same announcement it reads: “It is the policy of Yale School of Medicine, Continuing Medical Education, to ensure balance, independence, objectivity and scientific rigor in all its educational programs.”

Like “five holes in the brain”?

What a farce Yale has become.

And of course it’s not alone. The entire Ivy League is sinking under a lava flow of endless, mind-rotting woke drivel.

Just the other day the Princeton classics department announced it would no longer require Latin and Greek for classics majors. What are they supposed to study then? Classic comics? I remember reading one of the Iliad when I was kid. It must still be around.

What motivates this and similar decisions (they’re being made across the country) is racism pure and simple, the assumption being—though they would of course vigorously deny it—that minorities don’t have the intelligence or the rigor to learn anything difficult. How insulting and how despicable.

The Ivies are obviously not alone in the onslaught of woke that has destroyed American higher education with only a very few exceptions. It’s everywhere, in part because Ivy graduates—starting in traditional “woke” areas (humanities, social studies) that have metastasized to virtually everything now, including the sciences—go out to spread these noxious doctrines as if it were the Gospel in supposedly lesser colleges and universities.

It was the Ivies, as much or more than any other institutions, that during the eighties and nineties nurtured Marxist critical theory (deconstruction and the like) and its spawn critical race theory that is currently driving apart the citizens of this country, accusing practically everyone of being a racist, especially those who aren’t.

So, at least to this Yale MFA, Yale is dead. And that’s a good thing. And a liberating thing.

Earlier: A Defense of “Anti-Intellectualism.”