News that Michel Foucault molested children recalls revelations that Hulk Hogan used steroids. The surprise comes only in response to surprise.

“Young children were running after Foucault saying, ‘What about me? Take me, take me,’ ” French Legion of Honor officer Guy Sorman told the Times of London about an Easter weekend trip to Tunisia during the late 1960s. “They were eight, nine, ten years old, he was throwing money at them and would say, ‘Let’s meet at 10 p.m. at the usual place.’ ”

The usual place was an unusual place: a graveyard. There, the living grossed out the dead. “He would make love there on the gravestones with young boys,” Sorman explains. “The question of consent wasn’t even raised.”

There, participants willing and coerced engaged in a pantomime of Foucault’s postmodernism, a philosophy in which power, not truth or ethics or justice, mattered above all, above a captive audience of the disgusted departed.

Flashback: Zhou Enlai Gets His Answer: In 1972, during his meeting with President Nixon, Chinese premier Zhou Enlai was famously misquoted that he thought that it was “Too early to say” what the results of the French Revolution of 1789 were. According to W. Joseph Campbell at his Media Myth Alert blog, Zhou thought he was being asked about the 1968 revolution in France. That answer is now in.