ROGER SIMON: A Revolution Is Brewing (and Necessary) in the Republican Party.

At a recent Republican meeting in a red state, a longtime state senator condescendingly blew off a question about why their Republican-dominated legislature was not following the lead of other states in restricting Big Tech and was thoroughly booed by those in attendance. In fact, they were shouting at him.

If this doesn’t change, it’s almost certain the coming primary seasons will be a bloodletting almost never before seen in the Republican Party. Many leaders, including well known incumbents, will topple unless they respond.

Many people who never before considered running for public office are doing so.

This is a good thing and harkens back to the American founding, although all should be carefully vetted. That someone has been a success in business, the arts or education does not automatically mean they will perform well in public office.

But people should be encouraged to run and the door opened up. Who would have guessed that Donald Trump would have created a boom in the American economy, reducing minority unemployment to record lows, while making the biggest strides in decades toward Middle East peace?

He is not the only American citizen with untapped skills.

But the GOP should not become the party of the New Robespierres in all this, chopping off every head that may have let us down in the past.

We must recognize that people can change and grow. Those elected and party officials who have let us down or been passive are, in many instances, capable of change, of even doing good work for the country if they put their minds and hearts to it.

We just have to make sure they do. If they don’t, we should not hesitate to replace them.

Even Red State superstars shouldn’t be free from scrutiny when they foul-up: Kristi Noem Risks Spoiling Star Power With Potential Veto On Male Ban In Women’s Sports.