OLD AND BUSTED: The Devil Wears Prada.

The New Hotness? Anna Wintour Caves to Woke Mob:

It appeared initially as though McCammond’s multiple apologies would save her job. A Condé Nast spokesperson told the Daily Beast the decision to hire McCammond was based on “the values, inclusivity and depth she has displayed through her journalism,” while noting that she had taken “responsibility for her social media history and apologized.”

Several days later, the New York Post reported that the company’s chief content officer, Anna Wintour, was “adamant about keeping [McCammond] even though she’s getting pushback internally.” As is often the case in journalism these days, the internal pushback ultimately prevailed. McCammond apologized for a fourth time in her statement on Thursday.

“I should not have tweeted what I did and I have taken responsibility for that,” McCammond said. “I hope to have the opportunity to re-join the ranks of tireless journalists who are shining light on the issues that matter every single day.” McCammond worked as a reporter for the news blog Axios before accepting the position at Teen Vogue.

As noted in the Daily Beast, the 27-year-old McCammond “was heralded as a rising political star among the D.C. press corps for her headline-grabbing stories about the Trump White House and the 2020 presidential campaign, which garnered her an award from the National Association of Black Journalists in 2019 and frequent appearances as a contributor on MSNBC.”

Read the whole thing.

Related: If Teen Vogue staffers want to prove their wokeness, they should quit their classist company.

If you really believe that wealth inequality is the bane of our existence, racism the scourge of the Earth, the gender binary an “archaic” social construct, fur the antithesis of “sustainable” fashion, and all of these relics of elitism are all intertwined in the dogma of intersectionality, then you cannot possibly work at Teen Vogue in good conscience.

Consider that few people on the planet are more responsible for transitioning and empowering the American aristocracy into the 21st century than Anna Wintour, the global chief content officer of Condé Nast, who oversaw the creation of Teen Vogue. A trust fund baby from a landed gentry family, Wintour was placed in a journalism job first by her father, despite never actually being a reporter or a writer. In her post at Vogue, she (reportedly) has kept black models off of fashion’s most important cover and black journalists out of her newsroom. She famously refuses to hire fat people and single-handedly revived the fur industry.

Wintour, worth some $50 million, doesn’t just specifically cater exclusively to wealthy women in her magazine, where her staff has notoriously balked at her refusal to platform normal working women in news stories. She also runs the increasingly gaudy gathering of the Met Gala. If Condé Nast really cared about the values it espoused in Teen Vogue, wouldn’t the tens of millions of dollars accrued by the Met Gala each year go to New York City’s schools or homeless population rather than the Costume Institute at the Met, which already has an endowment of $3 billion and receives tens of millions in taxpayer funding?

The mob’s cancellation of McCammond is obviously a microcosm of the tragedy of illiberalism, and she surely deserves solidarity against the wokes. But just as importantly, her fate illustrates the fundamental unseriousness of the keyboard warriors attempting to hold our culture hostage. It’s easy to make a 27-year-old black woman a scapegoat to prove how woke you are. But if these staffers believed in one word of what they preached, they would quit their disgrace of a blog.

Wintour, 71, was recently promoted to the position of chief content officer at Condé Nast, after “a turbulent year and a reckoning over diversity at Condé Nast that prompted speculation over Wintour’s future. In a staff memo in June, Wintour admitted that Vogue has made mistakes that were ‘hurtful or intolerant’ to Black creators. ‘I take full responsibility for those mistakes,’ she wrote.”

So as with Dean Baquet of the New York Times, rumored to be retiring next year, Wintour apparently has no desire to keep her uber-woke staffers in check. It’s quite an ignominious turn for the icy star of The September Issue documentary and the roman-à-clef, The Devil Wears Prada.