LOOKING FOR GLEICHSCHALTUNG IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES: Shock! Sarah Silverman Is Done With ‘Absolutist-ness’ of Dem Party.

On March 8, comedian Sarah Silverman posted an Instagram video from her podcast where she talked about how annoyed she was with her own political party. As an admitted Democrat, it’s surprising that Silverman spoke about how the “absolutist-ness” of the party is “such a turn off to me” and how she doesn’t want to be affiliated with any party at this point.

In talking about the Democratic Party, she said, “It’s so fucking elitist, you know, for something called progressive, it allows for zero progress,” calling it “righteousness porn,” and concluding, “I really, I think I don’t want to be associated with any party anymore.”

The left is constantly seeking to ride the moral high horse by claiming to protect anyone from bad ideas (ideas they don’t like), but instead they silence opposing ideas and do not allow people to think for themselves. Silverman finally noticed the hypocrisy and was bold enough to say something about it. She stated, “Every party, it comes with so much fucking baggage that no ideas can be taken at face value. And without ideas, what are we?”

People who confuse surveyor’s marks with swastikas, asked the military to overthrow ‘fascist’ Trump, and dressed up as Hitler to mock someone who tried to shrink government regulations?