COOL CLOCK, AHMED: ‘Palestinians’ Want London to Give Back ‘Big Ben.’

There was never a “Palestinian” nation or a people. There were influential clans, like the Husseini clan, whose members included Hitler’s Mufti and Yasser Arafat, who are not, despite their myths, descended from the Caananites let alone the Philistines, but came over from Egypt. Even after spending a generation trying to wipe out the indigenous Jewish population, when the revolution came and Israel won its independence, they were not driven out in a ‘Nakba’.

They left ahead of their invading Islamic armies that they expected to wipe out the Jewish population. And when that didn’t happen, they claimed to be an exiled “Palestinian” people.

Now their descendants recalling family legends have built up a story of a glorious Islamic clock that was stolen by the infidels and passed off as Big Ben. One day they’ll reclaim Big Ben and stick it on the Jaffa Gate again and take over all of Jerusalem. Meanwhile the Israelis have been caring for the remaining Ottoman clocks. The entire set, including the banished Jaffa Gate clock, have shown up on Israeli postage stamps. The Ottoman plaques with their praises of Allah have been left alone though other plaques praising G-d were sometimes added.

Exit quote: “When your entire history is fake, you can believe anything.”