WILL NPR AND CNN FOLLOW THE FACTS? Don’t hold your breath. That said, JustTheNews.com’s John Solomon has been following and breaking news about Hunter Biden since at least October. And what the lapdogs insisted was “Russian disinformation” turns out to be pretty well-supported. Solomon details an email from Biden’s lawyer and partner at the time warning him that:
“The January 2017 email suggests Hunter Biden made anywhere from $833,614 to more than $2.5 million a year in the second term of the Obama-Biden administration as he and his partners pursued global business deals in Ukraine, Russia, China and other foreign countries. But it also raised questions about his finances and accounting beyond the alleged Burisma tax payment that was overdue. Schwerin’s email suggested Hunter Biden borrowed money from his company, and also had claimed as income monies he did not receive. “You didn’t receive this in cash and it is in reality ‘phantom income,'” Schwerin wrote Hunter Biden in explaining some transactions.”
Like the Good Professor says: “Read the Whole Thing.”™