THE CORBYNIZATION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONTINUES APACE: Biden To Name Tanden as Budget Chief, Rouse to Economic Council.

Flashback: “Israel is depressing,” Tanden wrote in 2016:

The co-chair of Hillary Clinton’s transition team called the March re-election of hard-line Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “depressing” in an e-mail to Clinton’s campaign chair.

Neera Tanden moaned to John Podesta the day after Netanyahu’s win.

“Israel is depressing,” Tanden wrote.

The hacked message was among thousands released by WikiLeaks. “It’s a good lesson that the wing nuts are just ruthless in every country,” Tanden added.

“Bad,” Podesta replied.

And speaking of “bad:” The Center For American Progress Staff Was Shocked After Neera Tanden Named The Anonymous Harassment Victim In An All-Staff Meeting.

As Glenn noted earlier this month, “A Biden presidency would be the death of #Metoo, just as Clinton’s was.”

UPDATE: “‘The good thing about a Biden run,’ Neera Tanden, Clinton’s close aide who also advised the Obama administration on health policy, wrote to Podesta in 2015, in an email later exposed by WikiLeaks, ‘is that he would make Hillary look so much better.’”

‘The President Was Not Encouraging’: What Obama Really Thought About Biden, The Politico, August 14th.