BATTLESWARM BLOG: Blogging and Its Discontents.

I didn’t get into blogging to get rich, much like one doesn’t become a Trappist monk for the kinky sex and hard drugs.

Alas, I’m being laid off from my current technical writing job in December. So maybe I should ask for more donations. But I have the sort of skill sets (documenting programming APIs, among many other things) that’s very much in demand, so I don’t expect to be unemployed long. Plus I have another small income stream in the book business. There other Vast Right Wing Bloggers out there much more in need of donations than I.

Plus: “I’m still here and I don’t plan on going anywhere.”

Instalanches often kill Battleswarm’s server, and with everything else going on it’s enough to make you wonder if some services purposely throttle certain sites.

RELATED: Prepare for the Great Decoupling – Deplatforming moves downstream to and Mailchimp.