OLD AND BUSTED: Choose Your Adventure.

The New Hotness? Choose Your Hangover. Kevin Williamson: 2020 Election: Joe Biden, Donald Trump & Others All Claim Victory.

Joe Biden thinks he won the election. The Associated Press thinks he won, too. But the landslide some of his friends (and provisional friends) were predicting did not come to pass. His showing against the man he insisted was obviously and self-evidently the worst president in the history of these United States is not what one would have expected running against a man who was obviously and self-evidently the worst president in the history of these United States. He very well may end up having eked out a very slim win only to spend his time in office having his ideas, to the modest extent that he has ideas, ruthlessly smothered to death by Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans. Biden did not exactly sell his immortal soul to the Left in order to unify the party behind him, but he did give Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders a long-term lease on it, with excellent terms, which may have been a bad bargain: He got into bed with a clutch of self-declared socialists and then lost bigly in Florida as Latinos with some intimate experience of that wretched ideology said: ¡Socialismo, no! Biden will be faced with a choice between hobbling his own agenda by knuckling under to the battiest Berkeleyest nut-cutlets or throwing the Left under the bus and wonder where Kamala Harris is hiding the icepick.

As Jon Gabriel tweets, “You’ll never see anyone angrier on Twitter than Democrats after winning an election.”