I’M NOT SURE IF TRUMP CAN WIN WITHOUT IRAN’S ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES: Why Iran sees Biden as the “more promising” candidate in the U.S. election.

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif has indicated to CBS News that the Islamic Republic’s leadership would prefer Joe Biden win the U.S. election. It was a first for a country that has been reluctant to tip its hand.

Zarif first insisted that Iran‘s government has no preference between President Donald Trump or Biden, but pushed to respond, Zarif said that “the statements by the Biden camp have been more promising, but we will have to wait and see.”

He stressed, however, that it’s not what the new administration says during the campaign that counts, but what it does in office.

CTRL-F “Pallet” not found in the above CBS News article. Flashback: $400 million sent to Iran as U.S. prisoners released, raising questions.

The Obama administration secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran that coincided with the January release of four Americans detained in Tehran, according to U.S. and European officials and congressional staff briefed on the operation afterward.

Wooden pallets stacked with euros, Swiss francs and other currencies were flown into Iran on an unmarked cargo plane, according to these officials. The U.S. procured the money from the central banks of the Netherlands and Switzerland, they said.

Also not mentioned at the first link:

Ben Rhodes, whose brother was the president of CBS News from 2011-2018, smiles.