RADICAL CHIC, THE GERITOL YEARS: Old and busted: Cosmopolitan’s 110 Tips for Better Sex.

The New Hotness? Cosmo at the Barricades!

Cosmo, part of the Heart* magazine empire, advocates contributing to bail out funds for rioters:

So many of the organizations that are dedicated to helping save and advocate for Black lives are in desperate need of additional funds, as are the families involved. And many protestors are being held on bail, so donating to a bail fund helps combat mass incarceration as well as racial and economic disparities.

Cosmo’s lengthy list of deserving organizations including the following:

The Milwaukee Freedom Fund has pledged to support protestors in Kenosha, Wisconsin, as they carry out demonstrations following the shooting of Jacob Blake. On August 23, Blake was shot seven times in the back by the police as he tried to enter his SUV, where his three sons bore witness. CNN reported that prior to the shooting, Blake broke up a fight between two women.Black Visions is committed to organizing Black communities in Minnesota. Donate here and text Black Lives to 23559 to stay informed.

* The Hearst magazine empire, you say? I wonder what Patty Hearst thinks of their turn to the radical chic left? In any case, yet another example of why it would be a good thing if billionare GOP supporters “Buy some women’s magazines. No, really. Or at least some women’s Web sites.”