DISPATCHES FROM THE EDUCATION APOCALYPSE: Academics Seek to Retract Study Disproving Racist Police Shootings After Conservative Cites It.
A study finding that police shootings are not racist may be retracted because it was cited by a conservative in the Wall Street Journal.
On June 2, Heather MacDonald, a conservative legal scholar, discussed the study in a widely-read Wall Street Journal column, “The Myth of Systemic Police Racism.”
That publicity resulted in an enormous backlash against the academics who conducted and discussed the study, by progressive academics angry about its conclusions.
The first casualty of the backlash was Stephen Hsu, the vice president for research at Michigan State University. He was forced to resign because he publicly discussed the study, as The College Fix notes in the article “Scholar forced to resign over study that found police shootings not biased against blacks.”
Read the whole thing.