“GREETINGS FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES AUTONOMOUS ZONE:” In this week’s edition of National Review On Dead Tree (possibly behind subscriber paywall) Rob Long has a satiric (and very funny) article headlined “Communiqué 17 from NYTAZ,” which includes a request for “Someone with video skills and social-media expertise…for the recording, editing, and distributing of The Confessions of Bari Weiss, which is planned for early next week,” and announces the upcoming “trial of NYTAZ v. Bret Stephens, at which point Stephens will be released from captivity in the sixth-floor break room and led to the events space formerly known as the ‘Carlos Slim Family Auditorium’ — now known as ‘Safe Space Number Two’ — and found guilty of crimes against [TBD],” etc.
But given the events of the past couple of months, any satirical piece will likely run straight up against what Tom Wolfe dubbed “Muggeridge’s Law:” “We live in an age in which it is no longer possible to be funny. There is nothing you can imagine, no matter how ludicrous, that will not promptly be enacted before your very eyes, probably by someone well known.”
Which brings us to this BuzzFeed News photo spread proffering “26 Pictures From Occupy City Hall Protest In New York,” the first of which features “A ‘City Hall Autonomous Zone’ sign” in front of City Hall, along with a sign labeled “THIS IS WHAT COMMUNITY LOOKS LIKE,” which apparently is not meant satirically, despite the filth and squalor of the leftwing squatters lurking just behind it.
But I’m not sure of the point of this week’s “Occupy City Hall” protest. Isn’t there already a hard left occupation there that’s been going on since January 1st, 2014, when Bill de Blasio took office?