IF YOU’D LIKE TO HELP STOP THE REPEAL OF PROP 209: … but you don’t have a lot of extra time on your hands, one easy thing to do is follow me on Twitter as I argue against the repeal. Now and then “like,” comment, and/or retweet as you think appropriate.
Twitter is ghastly. I hate it. But times being what they are, it’s the easiest way to get messages to the otherwise very-difficult-to-contact state legislators who are deciding the fate of Prop 209. It’s just so #$% annoying that in this age of instant communication, it is harder than ever to make contact with our state legislators. All my tweets are directed to legislators. Otherwise Twitter is like yelling out the window to whoever happens to be walking by.
The next week or two (maybe even the next four days) will be crucial in determining the fate of Prop 209.