ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY, PART I: Green Brownshirts Strike at Michael Moore.

UPDATE: Michael Moore’s Planet Of The Humans: This Is Not The Movie Review You Were Looking For.

On one level, the movie tries to be a hard-hitting exposé of the movers and shakers in the ‘green energy’ space, and it sort-of succeeds at that. I think viewers whose knowledge of ‘green’ energy begins and ends with proclamations from MSNBC and Greta Thunberg will be genuinely shocked by the revelations in this film. On the other hand, those of us who live in the real world and disbelieve media propaganda will probably find far less here that we didn’t already know. But even so: the skewering that several well-known ‘green’ energy promoters receive in PotH is long overdue. Al Gore is a frequent target of Moore’s (and of Jeff Gibbs, the film’s writer and director; Moore was the executive producer), portraying Gore as cloaking himself in a robe of environmentalism but really being in the game for the money.

Flashback: Al Gore Declares Mission Accomplished.