IT’S A FLOOR WAX AND A DESSERT TOPPING: Laura Loomer, (described here as “alt-right”) sued Facebook for booting her, claiming their labeling her as “dangerous” was defamatory. Facebook says that decisions to label people as “dangerous individuals” is an expression of Facebook’s opinion of that person and their posts — something clearly protected by the First Amendment.” Techdirt reports that Facebook’s pleadings say:
To the extent she alleges Facebook called her “dangerous” by removing her accounts pursuant to its DIO policy and describing its policy generally in the press, the law is clear that calling someone “dangerous”—or saying that she “promoted” or “engaged” in “hate”—is a protected statement of opinion.
But waitaminute: I keep getting told by the left that Citizens United is wrong, and that corporations shouldn’t *have* First Amendment rights. Or do they really mean to say that corporations they *perceive* as conservative should have no such rights? Why do I suspect the latter?