Democrat front-runner Sen. Bernie Sanders has responded to his disastrous 60 Minutes interview by releasing a plan for how he would raise the estimated $60 to $94 trillion necessary (he doesn’t know exactly how much it all costs, and don’t ask him) to pay for his massive socialist social programs. These programs include abolishing private health insurance to replace it with a government-run universal Medicare, pushing the so-called “Green New Deal” to force the economy onto expensive and as yet unreliable energy sources, and even a $1.5 trillion government-funded child care program that he nevertheless dubs “free.” He claims he would pay for that by taxing “extreme wealth.” Sanders would also drastically weaken the military, abolish ICE, and effectively open our borders while expanding the welfare state to cover illegal immigrants.

The Sanders plan to pay for all this is less serious, as a plan, than your average dorm room philosopher’s pot-inspired sophistry to save the world, man. It’s also an all-out assault on the American economy and, in particular, on the energy-producing states including Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Wyoming, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Ohio, Louisiana, New Mexico, Colorado, Alaska, and Texas. In that sense, it’s very serious.

And California and the Democrat-controlled Congress are getting a jump on things! California and federal politicians want to destroy millions of freelance jobs – We can’t let them win.

The same language that was used in AB5 was, according to Davis, snuck into federal legislation that passed the House earlier this month called the PROAct.

This law, which is heavily pro-union and seeks to repeal right-to-work laws, also encompasses doing away with freelancing.

This awful legislation threatens the entire backbone of our economy. Davis says, “With the PROact looming on the horizon for the country at large, California artists and freelancers are not giving up this fight, but instead will double our efforts as we move into election season.”

What you can do about all of this? If you are in California, you should call or email your state representatives to oppose AB5, and federally, you should call and email your representatives and senators and ask them to oppose the PROact.

And in general, my advice is this: Don’t vote for people, whether “democratic socialists” or otherwise, who believe that the government knows what is right for you better than you do and who want the government to limit your freedoms.

Hopefully Cocaine Mitch will let the PROAct die in the Senate. Stay tuned.