APPLAUSE LINE AT WOKE 2020 OSCARS: Speech Is ’45 Sec More Than Senate Gave John Bolton.’

Related: Live Blog of the 92nd Academy Awards — The Super Bowl of Hollywood but Far Less Entertaining.

UPDATE: Obama-Produced Film Wins Oscar, Producer Quotes Communist Manifesto In Acceptance Speech. Obama Praises.

Earlier: Former Obama and Hillary advisors are writing actors’ award speeches.

More: Joaquin Phoenix wins Best Actor for Joker — and goes full-on PETA in his acceptance speech:

“I’ve been a scoundrel in my life,” he said. “I’ve been cruel at times, hard to work with. Many of you in this room have given me a second chance.”

He also spoke in-depth about “the distressing issues we’re facing” including gender, equality, racism, animal rights and environmental issues.

“We’ve become very disconnected from the natural world,” he said. “We feel entitled to artificially inseminate a cow and when she gives first we steal the baby and then we take her milk that’s intended for the calf and we put it in our coffee.”

Phoenix was instrumental in the Golden Globes ceremony going vegan this year, an issue he and wife Rooney Mara champion, Page Six reported.

As Greg Pollowitz tweets, “these f*cks don’t want you to drink milk or eat meat and they’re quoting from the communist manifesto while taking private planes to film movies in New Zealand so they don’t have to pay union rates in California.”

As Robert Conquest’s first law of politics states, everyone is conservative about what he knows best.

(Updated and bumped.)