JIM TREACHER: Don Lemon Laughs It Up at ‘Credulous Boomer Rube Demo That Backs Donald Trump.’

I don’t really have a dog in this fight, so I’m fine with these guys acting like this. If it boosts Don Lemon’s ratings or helps  Rick Wilson sell a few more books, good for them. They’re doing what they need to do in order to survive within their own little ecosystem. Grifters gonna grift. They’ll be just fine. And the people who are determined to find something to be angry about will watch this and get their hit of endorphins. Everybody wins.

It’s just that… I dunno, it would never occur to me to call 62 million Americans illiterate rednecks who are too dumb to vote Democrat. It seems counterproductive. That is, if I was trying to convince them to vote Democrat. But that’s why these guys keep winning elections, I guess.

I’m also fine with any undecided voters watching this and deciding not to have anything to do with these guys. Sneering at the rubes is fun and satisfying, clearly, but it’s not very persuasive.

As Brit Hume tweets, “Interesting behavior from a network in serious need of viewers.”

UPDATE: Found via Stephen Miller, past performance is no guarantee of future results: