LEFTIST CULTURE OF HATE: ‘He needs to be humiliated’: Robert De Niro calls for someone to rub a ‘bag of shit’ in Trump’s face.

While Jane Fonda, now 82, spends her dotage getting arrested each week, having flashbacks to her Hanoi Jane days, De Niro, age 76, seems to be channeling his assorted Scorsese tough guy characters, knowing that he’ll never be called out by the left for his own style of “eliminationist” rhetoric.

Earlier: Donald Trump was elected to break the elite. Of course they want to impeach him. “Trump’s supporters have known since election night that this day would eventually come. After all, his sworn enemies have been openly promising it since before he was sworn into office! They’ve used words like ‘resistance,’ ‘coup,’ ‘insurance policy,’ and ‘impeachment’ so often that, now that they are actually doing it, the American people — and Republicans especially — are offering a collective yawn.”