ROGER GOODELL HAS LEARNED NOTHING AND FORGOTTEN NOTHING: Seattle Seahawks DE Quinton Jefferson to wear ‘My Cause My Cleats’ design with image of Che Guevara.

The shoes will bear images of people Jefferson called “freedom fighters,” including Communist murderer Che Guevara, Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, black activist Malcolm X, and civil rights leader Rosa Parks.

Che Guevara is often used as an icon of revolutionary ideals but critics say that his supporters hypocritically ignore his racist and homophobic comments, and the extrajudicial murders he encouraged and committed as part of the Cuban communist revolution.

One of Kahlo’s final paintings before her death at age 47 in 1954 was titled “Self Portrait with Stalin.” As Nick Gillespie wrote at Reason in 2016, “That is some fucked-up art right there. Uncle Joe had died the year before and only the most deluded bitter-clingers were under any illusions about his reign of terror.”

Regarding Che, Ivan Osorio of the Competitive Enterprise Institute once noted:

My friend Tom Palmer says that whenever he sees somebody sporting a Che Guevara t-shirt, he likes to ask the wearer, “That’s a great t-shirt; do you have the entire collection?” The wearer usually responds either with a blank stare or by asking Tom what does he mean, to which Tom then responds: “You know, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot…”

Or as an Insta-commenter wrote in 2012, “You can’t spell douche without Che.”