WELL, ASSUMING ANYONE HAS BEEN PAYING ATTENTION: The Televised Impeachment Proceedings Have Been A Disaster For Democrats.

An initial glimpse at the coverage of the proceedings from the corporate media presents a startling situation for the White House. “Testimony puts Trump closer to scandal,” read one headline from the Washington Post. “Democrats land damning new evidence in testimony,” blasted a headline from Politico. “Testimony builds case against Trump,” reads another in the Los Angeles Times.

The most explosive revelations to emerge from three of the Democrats’ most important witnesses? That the Ukrainians were getting closer to rooting out corruption in their government and launching an investigation into the origins of its role in peddling the grand Russian collusion hoax that did irreparable harm to the United States.

There’s a huge disconnect here between what the MSN-DNC thinks is important, and the American people.