2020: A BITTER CLINGER’S DEPLORABLE ODYSSEY: With the “Latest Polling Indicates Kamala Harris’ Campaign Has Cratered in Iowa,” Glenn warned last Sunday, “Iowans To Be Declared Racist Shortly.”  And that time is at hand. But not just racist — sexist as well! As Ed Morrissey writes, “Kamala Harris: My failing campaign shows America’s not ready for a woman of color as president.”

One also has to wonder at the long-range strategy behind tossing this race/gender card at Democratic voters. After all, Harris isn’t out campaigning for Republican votes at this stage. When she claims that “there is a lack of ability or difficulty in imagining” that a woman of color can be president, Harris is making that claim about the Democrats who are stampeding away from her candidacy and toward Warren, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and even Pete Buttigieg.

Can Harris win a Democratic presidential primary by calling its voters racists and bigots? Almost certainly not, but it will be hilariously fun to watch her try.

Of course, it’s not the first time she’s insulted Iowa Democrats. In September, “she told her coworker, Senator Mazie Hirono, she’s ‘moving to f***ing Iowa.’”

While Kamala’s a cop, even Jack Webb would have known not to say something that impolitic.