JOHN NOLTE: Good Riddance to Shepard Smith.

Tell me, what exactly is honorable about pretending to be an unbiased journalist whose only job is to inform the public when you are, in reality, just another far-left talking head spreading conspiracy theories, just another leftist having narcissistic temper tantrums in public about guns and gay marriage, just another propagandist serially misleading your viewers with crazed conspiracy theories as a means to grind your sorry little ax… just another sanctimonious, blow-dried, fake news grifter?

You might not agree with, or even like, Rachel Maddow, Sean Hannity, Lawrence O’Donnell, or Tucker Carlson, but at least they have the personal integrity, professional maturity, and moral courage to say This is my opinion. This is what I believe personally. Come at me, bro. At least they have enough respect for their audience, for themselves, and for their profession not to shiver like a punk inside the armor of an Objective Journalist Just Telling the Objective Truth as a means to avoid challenge and criticism.

Pretending to be “objective” is a nice pose — if it was 1927. Hopefully Shep will enter the 21st century in his next job.