THEY’RE SAYING IT’S ALIENS. BECAUSE IT’S ALIENS. More than 1 million people to raid Area 51 in Nevada in quest to see aliens.

The clearly tongue-in-cheek Facebook event page is titled “Storm Area 51. They Can’t Stop All of Us” and states “We can run faster than other bullets.”

It’s inviting users from around the world to join a “Naruto run” into the area. That’s a Japanese Manga-inspired running style featuring arms outstretched backwards and heads forward.

“We will all meet up at the Area 51 Alien Center tourist attraction and coordinate our entry,” according to the event organizer.

But some social media users expressed concerns.

“Folks, bad news,” Facebook user Jen Petrilli, posted on the event’s discussion page. “This event is planned for September 20th. While I love this planning time, this gives them a lot of time to move the aliens out of Area 51. If we want to get our extraterrestrial pals into safe and loving arms, this needs to ASAP. Love, A friend to the aliens.”

Just be sure to go in during daylight hours — they’ll be expecting you at night.