DISPATCHES FROM THE PATH NOT CHOSEN: Epic Fail — How Blockbuster Could Have Owned Netflix.

Flash-forward to March of this year: There’s now only one Blockbuster left on the planet.

Much as everyone loves the convenience of streaming sites like Netflix and Amazon Prime,  as Brian Watt wrote at Ricochet last month, “When Some Films Are Banned, Only Outlaws Will Have Banned Films:”

The prerecorded disc market is about to disappear. At some point in the near future, UHD Blu-ray, Blu-ray, and standard DVDs will no longer be sold by Amazon and other retailers because most content will be available for streaming in very high definition.

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When the day comes that only a handful of major streaming services – Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, and soon Disney and Apple and others that fund the creation of content and control the content that you are able to view — then some films and television series that are now or in the future considered politically incorrect will begin to disappear.

If you’ve got a treasured movie, keeping a physical copy on Blu-Ray or DVD might be a wise decision to future-proof yourself against the ever-woke curators of streaming video platforms.