BREXIT UPDATE: British EU Parliament elections set to deliver a surprise.

You might assume that the backers of Remain would be ascendant, given what a hash the government has made of the process so far. And that would mean that the Labour Party and the Lib-Dems would be cleaning up. But the latest polling from the Isles tells a very different story. This was highlighted during a recent interview with former Prime Minister and Remain advocate Tony Blair.

Read the whole thing.

Related: Prime Minister Nigel Farage? “It would be unwise, we sense, to make too much of these polls. We all learned anything in 2016, it was that polls are fickle. A lot can happen in two weeks; the Brexit Party wasn’t even formally registered until February of this year. Yet it would also be unwise, we sense, to make too little of this. Come May, Britain’s biggest delegation in Strasbourg could be the party that doesn’t want to be there at all.”