TRIGGER WARNING: The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (of which I am a beleaguered member) held an all-day briefing yesterday entitled “Federal Me Too: Examining Sexual Harassment in Government Workplaces.” Over a dozen witnesses testified.

Posted on the wall was the following notice: MENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST ON-SITE TODAY: Persons who need assistance may go to the reception area and see persons wearing a badge or ask a Commission staff person. In addition, you may reach a mental health specialist by email, phone call, or text message ….”

All during the briefing two licensed therapists sat in the room waiting for somebody to have an emotional breakdown. We’ve had dozens of briefings like this during my tenure on the Commission. This is the first time we’ve brought in therapists. Not one, but two.

No one seems to notice the Commission is suggesting that female employees are a bunch of fragile neurotics. Why would anybody want to hire such a person?