BILL GERTZ: China Using OPM Records for Spying.

China is mining intelligence from an estimated 23 million records of American federal workers, including intelligence and security personnel, stolen in cyberattacks against the Office of Personnel Management, according to a member of Congress.

Rep. Chris Stewart (R., Utah) said the Chinese are easily gaining information from the stolen records.

“They can run through those 23 million names in a heartbeat and connect dots in a heartbeat,” Stewart said during remarks to a meeting of the Committee on the Present Danger: China.

“Have we seen evidence that they’ve done that? Absolutely,” said Stewart, a former Air Force B-1 bomber pilot who is currently a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

He declined to provide further details.

The OPM hack was considered one of the most damaging breaches of personnel security for the U.S. government ever. The operation by China took place in 2014 and was discovered in June 2015. China’s role was kept secret during the Barack Obama administration.

Thanks, Obama.