In all, of 863 complaints made by March 8, 2019, 454 remain unresolved, including 249 in which the party hasn’t initiated an investigation.

Of the cases in which a decision was reached, 191 members faced no further action, 145 received a formal warning — which the Sunday Times called “a slap on the wrist” — and just 29 were expelled. Others left of their own accord.

The report detailed specific cases without naming the offenders. In one case, a trade union official in Manchester was allowed back into the party despite having shared material blaming “Jewish Israelis” for the September 11, 2001, attacks in the United States.

Members who made comments such as “Heil Hitler,” “Fuck the Jews” and “Jews are the problem” have not been expelled despite complaints filed against them a year ago, the report said.

A councilor in Lancashire was readmitted despite having ranted about “Jewish media” and “Rothchilds,” after explaining she had uttered the terms “as a blanket term of description without any racist connotations.”

Last month, the report said, Thomas Gardiner — an ally of Corbyn who heads Labour’s governance and legal unit — blocked efforts to expedite proceedings against a party member who lashed out at Jewish MPs Margaret Hodge and Ruth Smeeth as “a couple of shit-stirring c** buckets bought and paid for by Israel” and “cretinous pieces of shit” who needed to “fuck off back under their stones.”

In another case, a lawmaker was let off with a warning after saying the Board of Deputies of British Jews umbrella group were “c****” and that the comment was “not anti-Semitic, it’s anti-c***. See Israel.”

Related: The Democratic Party Is Being Corbynized. QED, this tweet from Newsweek:

As Dana Loesch tweets in response, “Calls a Jewish man a ‘white nationalist,’ accused Jewish people of dual loyalty, described 9/11 as ‘some people did something’ — if Newsweek is talking about Omar ‘changing the conversation’ to include more anti-Semitism, they’re right.”