BREXIT BETRAYAL IMMINENT: Theresa May’s terrible deal that would put the UK in permanent bondage to the EU was voted down tonight by a huge margin. Tomorrow, the Mother of Parliaments will vote against “no deal,” because there are enough MPs scared of flights being grounded and borders clanging shut on March 29th. That means on Thursday the House will probably vote to delay Brexit. The EU has said it’s not going to negotiate further. The likelihood of a second referendum rigged to ensure remain wins (by pitting the May Deal against Remain, perhaps) has increased significantly.

It will be interesting to see if the weekend brings protests at the imminent betrayal of Brexit or whether (as I suspect) the British public are just so tired of the whole thing they’ll put up with remaining the way they put up with socialism for 40 years.

This will of course be touted as a win for “democracy.”