FIFTH CIRCUIT HOLDS “PLANNED PARENTHOOD” STING VIDEOS NOT DECEPTIVELY EDITED: Tyler O’Neil reports that the Court of Appeals has lifted the restraining order on videos showing PP agents negotiating the prices of fetal body parts. In 2015, the Center for Medical Progress (“CMP”), a pro-life organization, released more than eight hours of undercover videos disclosing conversations held at the PPGC headquarters. In the CMP videos, two individuals posed as representatives from a fetal tissue procurement company. They claimed to be interested in purchasing liver, thymus, and neural tissue from fetuses aborted during the second trimester of pregnancy.
With the help of PR/fixer firm Fusion GPS, the mainstream media bought the “deceptive edit canard” hook line and sinker. This is the same media who loudly and unsuccessfully defended other hidden videos, such as Gawker’s infamous “Hulk Hogan” sextape and Mitt Romney’s “47%” remark.
While this Texas case is about the State of Texas seeking to disqualify PP from Medicaid eligibility, the fact that the court rejected the “doctored video” claims, saying:
The district court stated, inaccurately, that the CMP video had not been authenticated and suggested that it may have been edited […] In fact, the record reflects that OIG had submitted a report from a forensic firm concluding that the video was authentic and not deceptively edited. And the plaintiffs did not identify any particular omission or addition in the video footage.
More to come on this, I’m sure.