MICHAEL LEDEEN: It’s Time to Move Corruptible Bureaucrats Out of D.C. and into Flyover Country.

Once upon a time, when most sensitive messages were carried by couriers, it was imperative to have all the agencies here in one place. That no longer applies. Messages now move through the ether at the push of a button, and the offices between which they move can be anywhere. So get the corruptible Washington bureaucrats out of town, and into flyover country, where there’s less corruption, fewer fancy restaurants, and maybe even decent public schools.

There are plenty of benefits out there in real America. Doesn’t it make sense to have the Department of Agriculture in Nebraska? Wouldn’t it be an improvement to relocate special operations from the Pentagon to, say, Alabama?   And just think how much better off we could be if CIA were taken out of the Washington policial/social cesspool and quietly moved to West Texas.

Read the whole thing.