For a healthy dose of how liberals write unintentional humor, see this Columbia Journalism Review article: “How did Republicans learn to hate the news media?” CBS MoneyWatch blogger and former Wall Street Journal investing editor Larry Light claims Republicans have a “prejudice” against the news media, as if there is no evidence….like you’ve never, ever spent a day on NewsBusters.

He wrote: “My father didn’t want to hear any evidence that contradicted his views, and neither do today’s Republican media haters. The hallmark of a prejudice is that you don’t have to prove it: You just know it.”

Light travels through history, from the media exposing Joseph McCarthy and Barry Goldwater, to forcing Richard Nixon from office, and then leaping ahead of George H.W. Bush’s last-minute “Annoy the Media” slogan in 1992. Nowhere in those decades is there any evidence of media favoritism, apparently. Just “prejudice” and hate.

Here are Light’s comments on the media and Goldwater:

[A]t the 1964 Republican National Convention, former president Dwight Eisenhower got a rousing crowd reception when he condemned “sensation-seeking columnists and commentators” who “couldn’t care less about the good of our party.”

His reference was to media coverage of the extremist views held by the Republican nominee, Barry Goldwater, who called for making Social Security a voluntary program and proposed deploying nuclear weapons in Vietnam. Though Goldwater came across as much more amiable than the ever-seething Trump does today, and he didn’t lash out at the press publicly, when he lost the election to Lyndon Johnson by a huge margin, his supporters were indignant at how the press had treated him.

Yes, other than Walter Cronkite and Daniel Schorr describing Goldwater as a crypto-Nazi on the CBS Evening News, why would Republicans loathe the media after the 1964 election?