BILLIONAIRE, PUBLISHER, LIBERAL, OPPRESSOR: Hey, you know what’s cool about this country? Not just monster trucks, the Blue Angels and the fact that one can say “fuck you” to the Nation’s leader on national television without being hauled away by secret police in the middle of the night. (Try *that* in Saudi Arabia or Turkey, kids).
No, those are all cool, but we live in a country where you can be one of the three richest men in the world, own a newspaper that touts income equality and wealth distribution, but according to your own employees, underpays them. At least, according to the 400 staffers at the Washington Post who penned an open letter to Bezos:
#DearJeffBezos, we workers of The Washington Post have been bargaining for a year and have little to show for it because The Post won’t meet us halfway on much of anything. We love The Post. We know you do too. Our work has earned us more than what The Post is offering.
Democracy Dies in Darkness, you know. Resist and all that good stuff.