IN THE TRIBE’S USEFUL IDIOTS, Jonah Goldberg writes, “Useful idiots take an event and remove all the facts that don’t fit their desired final product:”

The people who insist that the Palestinians are unalloyed victims remove human agency from them. According to this thinking, they are not making choices; they are playing their parts. How dare you ask why someone would bring a (very sick) baby to a riot? How dare you suggest that there is subtext to the story of Palestinian righteousness? If you point out that the real villain in a shooting isn’t the inanimate object but the person wielding it, you are muddying the plot. Populists always tell a story about the righteousness of “the people,” but they invariably mean only “the right people”; the rest are barely people at all.

As the meme making the rounds today featuring Mike Pence talking with Trump goes, “I bet you can’t make the Democrats defend MS-13 and Hamas in the same week.” “Hold my Diet Coke.”