THIS WILL END WELL: Starbucks adopts open-bathroom policy following the arrests of two black men and a third who said he was denied use of the restroom.
“Starbucks, in other words, has just announced its stores are not stores primarily, but are now privately-funded shelters and bathroom facilities for the homeless,” Ace wrote last month. “You don’t have to spend a slim dime in the store to sit as long as you please and use the bathrooms. That’ll be great for Starbucks’ business. Their yuppie douchebag clientele love the homeless in the abstract, but we’ll see how much they appreciate their coffee shops being jammed with them, close-up-like, occupying most tables and chairs. I don’t even want to defend Starbucks; I want them to have the full taste of Social Justice Warrior progressivism. If this is the company’s ideology, then they should live that ideology to the full.”
Oh, they will. As I added at the time, by appeasing the mob, Starbucks’ management have walked into a box canyon. Get woke, go broke? It’s going to be fascinating to see what happens next.