BUYING MEDIA FORGIVENESS: The Hypocrisy Of Limousine Liberals And Hollywood Celebs. My weekly Daily Caller Op/Ed.

Vanity Fair reported that Damon was paid $26,000,000 for one film despite having only 25 lines of dialogue. (His gun had more lines than he did.) Ironically, Damon used a 2016 press conference in Australia promoting that movie to express his desire for a massive confiscation of U.S. guns: “You guys did it here in one fell swoop [in 1996] and I wish that could happen in my country, but it’s such a personal issue for people that we cannot talk about it sensibly.” The next time someone says, “Nobody is saying take away all guns” remember Matt Damon and Sylvester Stallone: hardly “nobodies.”

(Bumped from early morning.)