MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM ROSIE O’DONNELL: O’Donnell tells Paul Ryan he’s going ‘straight to hell.’

Rosie O’Donnell had a not-so-warm Christmas wish for House Speaker Paul Ryan: go to hell.

The fierce opponent of President Trump and the newly-passed GOP tax plan lashed out at Ryan on Twitter.

“paul ryan – don’t talk about Jesus after what u just did to our nation – u will go straight to hell,” O’Donnell wrote Monday.

“U screwed up fake altar boy,” O’Donnell added.

She finished her holiday attack with the hashtag: “#JUDASmuch” in a reference to the disciple who betrayed Jesus.

Related: “On Wednesday, a new rules page was rolled out to explain how accounts can lose their verified status. In short: if users don’t prescribe to certain Twitter guidelines, even on public sites other than Twitter, they can kiss their blue check marks goodbye. Those guidelines are mostly in line with the rules already in place at Twitter, including direct harassment (or ‘incitement’ thereof) and promoting ‘hate and/or violence.’”