BIG BANG THEORY’S MAYIM BIALIK: ‘I Don’t Like Thanksgiving’ Because of ‘Genocide.’

But of course. Bialik was attacked by many of her fellow leftists last month in the immediate wake of the Weinstein Rebellion. The Jerusalem Post noted at the time,  “Actress Mayim Bialik has apologized following a backlash against her New York Times op-ed suggesting that dressing and acting modestly is protection against sexual assault and harassment.”

Or as Yoram Hazony, the author of The Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture tweeted, “Translation: Actress recants traditional Orthodox Jewish views after being publicly shamed for expressing them.”

Bialik was defended by many conservatives for her Times column; massively virtue signaling that she’s not one of those people is the fastest way for her to return to Hollywood’s good graces and greatly increases the odds of continued employment once the show goes off the air.

Curiously though, despite Bialik’s personal beliefs, I’ve never seen her character sit out any of the Big Bang Theory’s Thanksgiving-themed episodes, or read about the actress demanding that the writers use these segments to trash half the show’s audience. But then, as always, Bill Whittle’s “Lou Grant Rule” from 2003 concerning modern actors remains true:

The talented Ed Asner, the actor who played Lou Grant on The Mary Tyler Moore Show, is politically to the left of Mao. Put Ed Asner and Lou Grant in a steel cage, let them talk politics for five minutes, and Lou Grant would kick Ed Asner’s ass. Even Murray Slaughter would be handing up folding chairs: “Hit the bastard again Lou, he’s still talking about income redistribution!” Dana Scully is a brilliant, courageous, skeptical physician who is handy with an automatic; Gillian Anderson is deep into crystals and has trouble with her shoelaces. Jack Ryan crawls through the bowels of a stolen Russian submarine fighting a dirty shadow war to keep America free, and Alec Baldwin…doesn’t. He seems to find the whole idea of a Jack Ryan deeply embarrassing. This list, sadly, goes on too.

Thanksgiving with the Big Bang Theory characters? Lots of geeked-out fun! Thanksgiving with Bialik in full PETA proselytizing mode? What a turkey of a day.