THIS IS CNN? CNN takes a grandstanding Ted Lieu to task.

In reference to the congressman’s super slam-dunk tweets, Harlow asked Wednesday, “To prejudge [Sessions’] testimony, I mean, your tweets about him being a liar were before he even appeared in front of you. Why is that appropriate? Why prejudge him?”

“Because he lied to [the] U.S. Senate,” Lieu said. He continued his accusation that Sessions lied to Congress during his confirmation hearings, an accusation Sessions vehemently denied. Lieu also justified the words he used to describe Sessions by saying they were ones Trump had used.

The CNN anchors didn’t seem satisfied by that answer.

“But does that make it right?” Harlow continued. “Do you like seeing the president use words like that, like ‘lying Ted,’ so then you repeat them?”

“I am absolutely highlighting it, and until the president changes, I am going to keep doing it because I do want to highlight how ridiculous it is,” Lieu responded.

“Is that a grownup thing to do, congressman?” Berman pressed.

“Grownup” seems like a lot to expect from members of Congress these days.