JEFF DUNETZ: Anti-Semite Supporter Keith Ellison Compares Illegal Aliens To Jews Under Nazi Control.

Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, the vice chairman of the Democratic National Committee, evoked the Holocaust on Monday, comparing illegal immigrants in the U.S. to Jews in Nazi Germany.

“I’m going to tell you right now, I’m one of them people who believes you should give your neighbors sanctuary.

(…)If you ask yourself, ‘What would I do if I was a Gentile in 1941 if my Jewish neighbors were under attack by the Nazis? Would I give them sanctuary?’ — you might be about to find out what you would do. Will you pass that moral test, or will you fail it? This is the time for people who truly have faith and belief in their hearts to step up and demonstrate.”

It is always disgusting when someone uses the Holocaust to score political points, but it particularly sleazy when Congressman Ellison does it. After all, the guy supports anti-Semitic organizations such as Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam and the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood.

Jeff adds, “There are many more examples of Ellison’s, anti-Israel and anti-Semitic actions, plus his connection to Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas associated groups such as MAS, CAIR, and ISNA. (MAS even paid for his Haj to Saudi Arabia).”

Well, if anyone knows Nazi tactics, it would be the Muslim Brotherhood and by extension its many offshoots around the Middle East.