POWER OF THE PURSE: A Chicago Judge Amazingly Rules That Grant Money Can Be Mandatory.
The scrapping over JAG money (Justice Assistance Grants) for sanctuary cities reached the next level this week. A federal judge in Chicago somehow issued an injunction preventing the Justice Department from not issuing grant money to non-compliant cities. As the Associated Press reports, it was Chicago bringing the challenge, but the judge extended his ruling to cover the entire country.
So what is Judge Leinenweber basing this ruling on? I’m not going to jump to any conclusions about bias in the case, particularly since he was a Reagan appointee and a Republican member of the state legislature before that. But the arguments he’s putting forth in the ruling seem to be indicating that not only do cities have some sort of inherent right to JAG money, but that they could suffer “irreparable harm” if they didn’t get it.
Read the whole thing.
The entitlement mentality isn’t limited to welfare recipients. In fact, the higher up you go, the worse it gets, whether it’s giant insurance companies or overbearing tech companies.