SPACE: Watch as NASA’s Cassini Speeds Past Saturn’s Rings in This Awesome View.

Cassini took the 21 photos that make up the video in a 4-minute stretch on Aug. 20, during the probe’s latest plunge between Saturn’s cloud tops and the planet’s innermost rings. Cassini has been performing such dives every 6.5 days since late April, during the “Grand Finale” phase of its venerable mission.

“The entirety of the main rings can be seen here, but due to the low viewing angle, the rings appear extremely foreshortened,” NASA officials wrote in a description of the video.

Cassini was launched almost exactly 20 years ago, but everything comes to an end on September 15. The probe has been on-station for 13 years — reporting back thrilling images for far longer than its planned six-year primary mission.

It’s post-Apollo NASA at its best.