CHOOSE THE FORM OF YOUR DESTRUCTOR METAPHOR: Is the Trump White House a real-life (or surreal) version of his Apprentice TV show, is it a rehash of Good Night and Good Luck, or is it Glengarry Glen Ross? 

Or perhaps, like New Shimmer, it’s a bit of all of the above. But it’s certainly never boring for the media – which is why, as John Cardillo tweets, “Notice how the MSM didn’t attack Reince as [chief of staff] pick, but are losing their collective minds over Kelly? Why? No. More. Leaks. That’s why.”

Bill Parcells drove the media insane (QED) by not allowing his assistant coaches to talk to the media, thus giving his teams one consistent voice and reducing the number of divisive stories sportswriters could craft, pitting assistant coaches against players, the head coach, etc. But how do you bottle up leaks in Washington?