I BLAME THE VIOLENT RHETORIC OF ELIZABETH SANDERS AND BERNIE SANDERS: California Democrats to far-left single payer advocates: Stop bullying and threatening us!

But Elizabeth Sanders says anyone standing in the way of single payer healthcare is guilty of “blood money.” Bernie Sanders says they’re going to kill “thousands of people.” Fellow California Democrat Nancy Pelosi says they’re dishonoring God. Hillary Clinton and Motel Williams concur with all of the above.

What, you think you wouldn’t have to deal with the blowback from this sort of hyperbolic rhetoric surrounding health care whipping your base into a frenzy? Sorry about that, Sacramento.

Or as Seth Barron wrote in City Journal in response to GOP Rep. Steve Scalise being shot by a deranged Sanders supporter, “Every policy difference, no matter how trivial, has been cast as a matter of life and death. Proposed changes in federal Medicaid reimbursement practices will consign ‘tens of thousands of people’ to early death, according to Senator Bernie Sanders, while rolling back federal guidelines on transgender bathroom signage will cause more teenagers to kill themselves, according to ThinkProgress…Trump’s opponents in the media, academia, and politics can pretend that their calls for radical action were meant metaphorically or in a nonviolent sense. But they are the ones who opened this box of fear, panic, and rage. Let them take responsibility for the climate that now exists.”